This will be the last time your eyes meet mine.
-Why teacher? Am I unsuitable to you?
No, you are suitable to me.

We are an abhorrent aberration to them and I shall sacrifice.
-I shall stand by you evermore master!
No! Flee, lest their enmity yield towards thy loins!

-Amo et te amabo semper et in aeternitatem.


Erastes hung supported by the strength of his arms as his body dangled. His bones broken and his flesh mangled…he was displayed a vanquished man. In his delirium he sensed a presence known to him once long ago. He raised his head to lock eyes with his dear Eromenos. The sun stood still as the brevity of their solace dwindled. A bright shimmer emerged from the boy’s cloak. The metal bit into Erastes and his water flowed forth.


Et tu, Eromenos?